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Thanks for stopping by to learn more about energy healing and how it can help you. Energy healing can go to the very root of any issue and heal at a very deep level. By healing our oldest wounds and fears in our energetic field, energy starts to flow more freely in the body and our vibration starts to rise. We are now vibrating at a higher level and can start attracting more positive and beneficial people, opportunities and events.
Energy healing is highly effective for healing childhood trauma, stress, anxiety, fears, and the physical discomforts that accompany such emotional pain.
Unlike medications which treat the symptoms, my sessions combine natural healing gifts along with my Algonquin Shamanism training. I am able to clear effectively blockages of emotional and physical pain at the root level--in other words, when the physical or emotional trauma first occurred in the body, whether it happened recently, decades ago or even in a past life.

Your healing journey begins here...
Your healing journey begins here...
Browse my healing services
Browse my healing services
Energy Healing
Energy Healing
Most clients benefit by starting out with one or two general sessions. During the session lots of stuck energy that has accumulated for years will be cleared from your energy field resulting in feeling lighter and less tired. This Bear medicine is great foundational work in preparation for Shamanic Journeys and Power Retrievals.
Regular clients use these sessions as energetic tune-ups to clear and balance their chakras.
Shamanic Journey
Shamanic Journey
You can choose to go on a journey to help you with a specific issue. Or, just let the Great Spirit of Algonquin Owl take you to a place that would benefit from healing. Owls have magnificent eyesight and Owl medicine will help you uncover and heal blockages and wounds that you may not be aware of.
Extraction Ceremony
Extraction Ceremony
Do you have unexplained fatigue or the feeling that you are not quite yourself? You may have conscious or unconscious negative energies that have entered your field through trauma. With the help of Algonquin Wolf medicine, I remove gently, safely, and permanently all negative energies that do not belong in you.
Power Retrieval
Power Retrieval
Has there ever been a time in your life when you lost your personal power? It could be through childhood trauma such as abuse or bullying, divorce or job loss. Let the healing power of Beaver medicine help you reclaim your personal power and transform your life. We use Beaver medicine for Power Retrievals because beavers are nature's master engineers and they can help us re-engineer our lives.
Protection Ceremony
Protection Ceremony
In Algonquin healing we use Mother medicine to protect us and bless us. If you suspect that you or a loved one are under a psychic or energetic attack by another person(s), Mother medicine will break the attack gently, safely and
permanently. It will also heal the trauma around why the attack occurred. I will also give you further protections at the end of the ceremony.
Past Life/ Karmic Healing
Past Life/ Karmic Healing
Sometimes no matter what healing work we have done in the present, we can still feel challenged or stuck in a particular place. It can be a wound in a past life that is creating the current block. Father medicine allows us to work with our spiritual ancestors to heal past life wounds and the associated karma in order to manifest our goals in this life.
Butterfly Ceremony
Butterfly Ceremony
Butterflies are some of the natural world's most exquisite and beloved creatures. They are able to miraculously transform themselves from chrysallis to winged beauty in approximately two weeks. In Algonquin healing we use the subtle energies of Mother Butterfly to fly through your history and heal issues in this life and past lives. Butterfly ceremonies create powerful shifts.
Animal Healing
Animal Healing
Animals respond extremely well to energy healing as they are exceptionally sensitive and open to energy. Working on our animal friends distantly in the comfort of their own home is usually best as it prevents the additional stress of transportation. Please also continue to consult your veterinarian.
Distance Healing
Distance Healing
From general energy healing sessions to professional house clearings, all of my services are also offered remotely. In this way, I am able to be of service to clients worldwide. My client base includes Canada coast to coast, U.S.A., Australia, China, France and Italy. I consider distance healing to be one of my specialties and I am able to provide client references.
House Blessing /Clearing
House Blessing /Clearing
Whether you are moving into a new space or are about to leave a current space, all spaces and the people who live in them can benefit from a professional space clearing. For new homes, it's a great fresh start to bless your home and clear out the old stagnant energies of the previous occupants. Other reasons for requesting space clearings are for spirit removal and to help sell properties that are not moving.
Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing
Experience the healing power of crystals, our friends from the Crystal Kingdom, by enjoying a full layout of crystals on your body. Crystals have been used for thousands of years in healing by many advanced civilizations such as the Egyptians, Ancient Greeks and Romans, Atlanteans and Lemurians. I can also recommend the perfect healing stones for you and your loved ones so that you can continue your healing work at home.

Sessions are approximately 1 and 1/2 hours which includes a consultation, the healing session and aftercare advice. All sessions are highly confidential.
Linda does not offer medical or psychological consultation. Please consult your doctor or mental health professional for those services.